A pillar of Gasbarre is to diversify their products to ensure you get the right solution for your application. By brining Universal Robots into the Gasbarre Automation Solutions toolbox, the team at Gasbarre can evaluate your needs and provide the right solution for your process.

Universal Robots

Universal Robots is a manufacturer of flexible industrial collaborative robots (cobots). Cobots give manufacturers access to all the benefits of advanced robotic automation without the extra costs associated with traditional robots: difficult programming, long set-up, and shielded work cells. These aspects make automation affordable for high-volume applications or even for small batch production runs and mixed product assembly. Universal Robots has sold more than 50,000 cobots, which are used in various manufacturing/production environments around the world. Gasbarre will recommend Universal Robots where their experts feel the units will deliver the flexibility and financial return that you need to compete and win new business or that will give you the ability to retain your existing business.

Gasbarre has invested in a demo cell to train our sales and field technicians, show ease of use, and to help develop new programs or tooling. Contact Gasbarre today to setup a time for introduction and possibly start your free consultation to develop your path toward automating your process.

Automation can be an intimidating process, many times requiring multiple specialized skill sets and always requiring careful attention to detail. Gasbarre can provide start-to-finish management of the project, allowing customers to focus on their core business, and backed by our commitment to 100% customer satisfaction.


As a longtime FANUC Authorized Systems Integrator, Gasbarre has the right experience for the job. Our engineers will review the job scope and key needs and design the best-fit solution.


The Gasbarre Automation Field Service Team provides on-time, on-budget automation integration with a wide variety of customer equipment, including non-Gasbarre equipment.


Gasbarre’s broad machining and fabrication know-how across diverse industries allows application of best-practices in bringing designs to life to meet customer needs.

Call (814.371.3015) or Email ([email protected]) us today!

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