Do you want to increase production and decrease downtime?  The time is NOW to replace that old and outdated Control System and we can help!

Technology has improved and it’s time for you to embrace it.  Are you ready to see an increase to your bottom line by decreasing downtime and increasing output, well maybe a new Control System is all you need!  

Upgraded Gasbarre PLCWhy Upgrade?

Rebuild Control System Options

PLC-Based Control

Oil Tight NEMA 12 Control

Fused Three Phase Power Connection

Examples of Presslog Lite Screens

Presslog Lite - Operator Screen
Presslog Lite - Recipes Screen
Presslog Lite - Tonnage
Presslog Lite - User Admin
User Admin
Presslog Lite - Notes Screen
Presslog Lite - Core Rod Cams Screen
Core Rod Cams
Presslog Lite - Global Screen
Presslog Lite - Axes Screen
Presslog Lite - Cams Screen
Presslog Lite - Aux Outputs Screen
Aux Outputs

Presslog Lite - Alarm History Screen
Alarm History