Designed for many thermal processes, the electrically heated batch vacuum furnace is available in a multitude of configurations. The most basic configurations are the front and top loading single chamber styles where work is loaded into and out from the same door. These are designed for high temperature applications such as brazing, annealing, carburizing, hardening, and tempering, and are supplied with graphite or ceramic insulation packages. Evacuation systems include rough pumps, boosters, and diffusion pumps when required. Being modular in design, independent quench chambers may be added to the basic heating chamber. The quenching mediums may be gas, pressurized gas, and/or oil. Isolation of the modules (temperature and vacuum level) may be accomplished with an internal vacuum door.
Gasbarre’s complete line of Batch Vacuum Furnaces is listed below.
This CI Hayes vacuum furnace with isolated gas quench is quite versatile, designed for a wide range of heat treat applications.
This C.I. Hayes vacuum furnace with isolated gas quench is quite versatile, designed for a wide range of heat treat applications.
Ideal for light production, tool room, research, and development applications.
This C.I. Hayes Furnace is a horizontally loaded, electrically heated, versatile batch furnace that may be programmed to run simple or complex thermal profile recipes.
Designed to provide excellent temperature uniformity, rapid heating & rapid cooling performance.