The continuous vacuum furnace essentially transforms the batch vacuum furnace into a straight through furnace. Work is no longer processed into and out from the same side – rather work is loaded into the entry side and unloaded from the exit side of the furnace. Modules consist of load/evacuation chambers, preheat and high heat chambers, multiple heat position chambers, and quench (oil and/or pressurized gas) chambers. Small batches are therefore indexed in a continuous fashion making this style furnace highly productive in processes that range from annealing, brazing, carburizing, sintering, to hardening. With the continuous vacuum furnace, the heat chamber typically remains hot and under vacuum making for a highly efficient and pure system.
Gasbarre’s complete line of Continuous Vacuum Furnaces is listed below.
A multizone continuous vacuum, this furnace consists of 3 modular chambers: load/evacuation, heating, and quench.
The CI Hayes VBQ Vacuum Furnace is part of the modular furnace family designed for heat treating and or carburizing applications.
The C.I. Hayes CVCQ-LAM Vacuum Sintering Furnace uniquely combines atmosphere delubrication and vacuum sintering.
Expandability and versatility make this furnace an attractive selection for many thermal processing needs with growth in mind.
The CI Hayes modular vacuum furnace is designed to work with auxiliary equipment in a number of different layouts.